Scar formation is a natural part of healing, but in some cases, scar tissue can extend beyond the injury and extend from the skin, leaving protruding bumps that are known as keloids. When looking for keloids treatment, many patients have questions about why they’ve developed these scars. One of the most common questions they have is whether keloids are genetic and why they form.
In this post, Dania Dermatology explores the genetic cause of keloids and possible treatment options for those affected by them.
Keloids Have a Genetic Cause
Keloid scarring is considered genetic; they are classified as benign (non-cancerous) tumors on the skin. Asians, African Americans, and individuals with dark complexions have a higher likelihood of developing them after a cutaneous wound.
Keloids may form after a vaccination, cut, wound, skin injury, or acne. The exact genetic marker is unknown, but it is not uncommon to see familial connections between patients with keloids.
How Keloids Form
Many keloids cannot be entirely prevented because they naturally occur during the skin’s healing process. As the skin recovers from a trauma, collagen is produced to help the wound close. When too much collagen is produced, keloids can form.
Even minor skin affiliations, such as a bug bite, can trigger keloid formation. A dermatologist can help stop keloid formation if skin thickening is forming. Using a pressure garment or corticosteroids can help prevent the formation of keloids in some cases.
How to Remove Keloids
Keloids treatment can include cryotherapy, laser removal, radiation, and surgical excision. It depends on each patient’s needs and treatment preferences. The best way to find the right treatment for your skin is to work with a board-certified dermatologist.
Schedule a Consultation Today
Request an appointment at Contact Dania Dermatology in Dania, FL, to meet with Dr. Stanley Skopit; with over 40 years of experience, he is one of the best dermatologists in Florida to help manage keloids treatment.
Please call the office at 954-807-9433 if you have any questions.